Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What's in Bloom

It's the 15th which means its another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day sponsored by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. This is only the 2nd one I've participated in; I feel a little self-conscious since I have so little to bloom. I'm reminding myself though of my original blogging intention: to create a garden record and what better way to do that then monthly pictures of what's blooming!

The tomatoes are gone, but the Tagetes signata 'Lemon Gem' are flourishing; even their stems have turned a pretty red.

Rosemary 'Arp'

Chrysanthemum 'Miss Jessie'

I thought this was a Passionflower seed, but research shows it's actually a fruit and, like a pomegranate, we could eat the seeds. I'll need to do some more research before I put anything in my mouth though...

1 comment:

Carol Michel said...

Thanks for joining in for bloom day. It's October, so we aren't going to have a lot of blooms, but that makes us appreciate more those that we still have, doesn't it.

I agree, I wouldn't eat those seeds without a lot of research.

Carol, May Dreams Gardens