Monday, August 13, 2007

Thirsty Birds!

I was sitting on the porch, talking on the phone and saw that the birds were going nuts. A couple of them landed on the edge of the pond and made efforts to reach the water. They couldn't, it was too far down. I saw other birds landing near a wet spot in the yard, that's not wet at all right now. I can't believe it; how did I not think of the drought's impact on birds!

Not having yet found the perfect cobalt blue bird bath for my kitchen garden, I have nothing set up for them on a regular basis, but I could improvise! I took a plastic saucer, put a rock in the middle to stabilize it and filled it with water. The next day about ten birds were queuing up for a turn! If you haven't yet found the perfect bird bath for your garden consider at least putting something together. The birds are thirsty!

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