Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day-July 2008

Monarda from my mom's garden. This is new to me this year and though I know it's a thug and I'll be hating it in a few years, I really love it's spiky hairdo!

Anise Hyssop 'Blue Fortune' from inside the kitchen garden. This was one of those great finds, drastically marked down at a nursery because it was puny looking. Well, it's puny no more.

A volunteer of Queen Anne's Lace just where I'd want it; in the kitchen garden. Sally Cunningham of Great Garden Companions loves these for "attracting and sheltering a wide range of beneficials."

Coreopsis grandiflora 'Golden Showers.' These are repeated along the brick sidewalk in front of the house. I was bemoaning the fact they were too upright at first, but they've softened some. I think I'll still move them back in the fall though.

Echinacea from Martha's garden. Last year the deer ate it, but so far so good.

The most amazing hydrangea that came with the house. It's monstrous and beautiful! I suspect it's 'Annabelle,' but I'm not 100% sure.

Asiatic lilies I also inherited. They're smell is a little too heavy for me to have in the house, but I do like that it greets me when I step out on the porch.

Also in bloom...
Butterfly Bush
Fennel (just this week!)
Russian Sage
Shasta daisies

1 comment:

Carol Michel said...

Thanks for joining in for bloom day! That Monarda is a thug, but a pretty one and it sure attracts the bees and butterflies and sometimes hummingbirds. It's worth the trouble, I think.

Carol, May Dream Gardens