Twice this week we had a doe in your yard. The first time we saw her, I was sitting on the screen porch and heard rustling in the yar

d. Craning my neck, I could see her poking into the leaves at the base of our peach tree. She was beautiful! A couple of days ago, my son called me into the office around 8 am and there she was licking our bird feeder. Yesterday, I went outside and was surprised by what I thought was a new plant that had suddenly appeared in the bed beneath the patio. Slowly I recognized it as the hosta pictured above. Here's what it looks like now.
My next thought was my vegetable garden. As yet untouched by deer. No more. They're amazing creatures; she bypassed yellow pepper plants on either side and red pepepper plants in another bed to eat the tops off of two of another kind of red pepper plants. If you're wondering how I'm so sure it was her, well I have evidence.

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