While working with Dad in the driveway, I had plenty of time to stare at this problem area. I decided to move the iris' from in front of the brick wall to the other side of the butterfly bush. I planted the spiderwort I bought at a downtown church fundraiser with the one from Martha's garden, which is a descendant of Cheryl's grandmother's garden. I love pass-along plants with history! I also finally moved the salvia or veronica from the old house, out of the patio bed and by the driveway. It's already draping nicely over the railroad ties. A couple of more are needed; I wish I knew exactly what it was so that I could get some.
The second best part of the weekend though (the gates were the best) I had my first honeysuckle of the year! This is probably one of the most beautiful things in my garden and it's proof that Joe Eck knows what he's talking about, nature created it and its the kind of design most gardene
rs only wish they could do. A wild rose has climbed a staggered series of saplings that have become completely irrelevant except as an arbor. Interspersed thoughout, honeysuckle that blooms slightly behind the rose. It's an incredible display that I first discovered last year by its scent. When Dad and I were trimming the woods, I made extra sure this arrangement was protected. I waited all Spring for it to bloom again so you could see its beauty here. The first weekend the rose bloomed, my camera died. I've done the best I can with my cell phone camera, but it's a pathetic shot. Oh well, there's always next year.

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