Tuesday, June 17, 2008


As much as I love gardening I'm not a coddler, so growing seeds indoors in little pots that require watering and sometimes transplanting in even bigger pots, was out of the question. It was direct sow or nothing, a method which offered no guarantees and great risk. I'm usually not much of a risk taker, but it was worth it not to have to coddle and it worked! I've already mentioned the peas, but here are a few other seed successes.

Sunflowers in the cutting garden. Last year the crows got all of the seeds, but not this year! I love the way you can see the actual seeds for a while after the plant begins to grow!

Cosmos in the cutting garden

Zinnias planted just last weekend! Also in the cutting garden.

Larkspur I planted last Fall. Guess where?

Dill. I hate to say use this word, but aren't they cute?

I bet you can guess this one! Basil


This is my favorite kind of seedling; the unidentified one! Unfortunately, that's happened all too often this year. I have a feeling that I've pulled some seedlings as weeds and left some weeds as seedlings. I'm pretty sure this is definitely NOT a weed though since there are eight of them in a fairly straight row which screams human, not nature!

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