Vegetables are my favorite food group, but I hate peas; pea pods are okay in a heavy Chinese food sauce, but that's it!

They're a favorite of Mike and Simon's, however, so I took the plunge. Easter weekend I planted "Sugar Snap" peas and wonder of wonders they grew! Their flowers were beautiful and reward enough, but May 31st we had our first pods. I had family over and we each had half of a pod at dinner. Everyone was polite, but I spoke what everyone was thinking, "ooh, bitter!" After that I snacked on them whenever I was in the garden and quickly realized that the smaller pods were sweeter. The recent heat has kept me inside and pretty much killed the plants. The above harvest, too fat to eat as pods, is probably the last for the season and was delicious raw.
Did I mention I hate peas? It's hard to tell if the homegrown variety truly can't compare with those sold in the stores or if I'm just so enamored of the fact that I grew these. It's probably a little of both. One other lesson I learned, I didn't plant nearly enough seeds. I only had six plants and it would have taken probably 4 times that to ever get a meal, even if one of the people hates peas!
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